The singer-songwriter Andreu Valor, accompanied by his stalwarts
Blai Antoni Vañó and Hèctor Tirado, has embarked on a new recording
project: A mamar, tots els versos! which pays homage to one of the
most important writers in our contemporary culture - Vicent Andrés
Estellés. And, at the same time, it wishes to forge through the
spectacle a conscious feeling of respect for the community, for a
way of being that is rooted in the territory. The collection of
Estellés’ poems, varied in content, themes and sensibilities, is
channelled into a modern, renewed musical landscape, with
folk/pop/indie American influences, and a staging that
contextualises the poet’s life, and positions him as of fundamental
importance, both Valencian and universal, for our lives.
February 2025 |
09 | Sunday | 19:00 |