Casting ópera MADAMA BUTTERFLY - Les Arts




We need extras for the production of Madama Butterfly which Palau de les Arts will prepare during November and December 2021.

The legal tutors of the underaged candidates must fill in the form on our web page ( and send a zip file with the CV and a full body picture by WeTransfer.

Extras are meant to recreate the atmosphere or the scene, thus contributing to make it more real. They are not meant to speak.

2 children (boys): We need two boys between 4 and 6 years old, maximum height 120 cm. On the scene, there is only one boy needed, so they will perform alternately; but both of them must be at the theatre in all performances.

The rehearsal dates are 22, 24, 25, 26, 30 November, 2, 3, 4 and 7 December 2021 in the afternoon.

The performance dates are: 10, 13, 16, 17, 19 and 22 December 2021.

On 3 November, the list of the registered candidates will be published on our web site.

On 3 November, the list of the preselected candidates will be published on our web site, and those who do not gather the requirements will be excluded.

On 4 November in the afternoon, the selection will be done in person. The exact time will be communicated to the preselected candidates.

The deadline to send the application is on 2 November.

    Adjunta el teu CV en format PDF i les teues imatges a través d’un enllaç de WeTransfer ací: Com ho faig?

    Adjunta tu CV en formato PDF y tus imágenes a través de un enlace de Wetransfer aquí: ¿Cómo hacerlo?

    Attach your CV in PDF format and your images using a link of WeTransfer here:How to do it?

    * Aquests camps són obligatoris / * Estos campos son obligatorios.

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